WILD- Topic 43: Primary Assessment (A,B,C)

Should not take more than 15 seconds to complete

AIRWAY: Check for a clear airway. Ensure the mouth and throat are clear of any obstructions. If an obstruction is ascertained, then use the choking measures discussed earlier to dislodge the object and clear the airway.

BREATHING: Observe if the animal is breathing and if they are breathing effectively, meaning is there any extra effort taken by the animal to inhale air?

CIRCULATION: Check for a heartbeat. Palpate the femoral or another distal arterial pulse. Feel the gums, ears, and extremities to see if they are cool. See if there is any evidence of bleeding. Look for any bruising. If you have a stethoscope handy, listen to the left side of the animal’s chest right behind the elbow to see if you hear any heart sounds.

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